วันอังคารที่ 26 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2559

Week 4 Narratives part 2

Today, we started class with check homework that the teacher asked we to do. My answers are correct but not at all. I felt not good today because of something in the morning when i'm on the way to my university. So it made me feel so bad. I tried to focus at my study but my head is so hurt. 

But i felt good when my friends are take care of me. I felt enjoy my class more and more. Okay, today we learned about "Secrets" part 2. Before that, I want to share my opinion about this story.

My opinion about this story!!

I feel sorry for Kylie because she is left out from her mother and Philip.That made she was lonely.

I dislike Kylie's mother because she didn't care about Kylie. She care her new hasband more that Kylie.

I dislike Philip because he hits Kylie.

Okay next, I will tell you about summary of the story past 2.

Kylie watches the hen sitting on ten eggs. She takes the lid off the well. She starts to go down the well with her photo album every day. She watches Philip and her mothe and wonder why her father is not with them. Someday Philip found her in the well. Philip discovers her in the well and hits her. Ktlie throws the chicken down the well. Kylie hits the hen and throws it down the well. She choose one special photo which makes her feel good and her cuts off her head off from the special photo and throws it aways.

Discussing the story's symbols!!

the eggs    refers to the secret.
the well     refers to loneliness and sadness.
the photo  refers to the good memory that can't                         happen again.
Kylie's cutting of the photo refers to dark side of                                               Kylie.

I thought I did not like it. It is sad for the separation of families. The new family also abandoned adorable children alone in the world who are innocent will be grayed out until finally it becomes black. Kylie is one example At first, it may be just loneliness. But it will bring a bad idea to become aggressive and violent in the end.

Next week i have EXAM!!!!

