15 weeks ago!! Wow, it's great. It always goes too fast. Since the course i gained a wealth of knowledge. Whether it's how to read. The correct pronunciation, vocabulary, interpretation the words into English meaning. But everything is a priority for me. Thanks a teacher who made 15 weeks ago worth.
Previewing : Learning about a text before really reading it.
Previewing enables readers to get a sense of what the text is about and how it is organized before reading it closely. This simple strategy includes seeing what you can learn from the headnotes or other introductory material, skimming to get an overview of the content and organization, and identifying the rhetorical situation.
How to read?
- Skimming is reading the text as soon as the first reading 2-3 or 2-3, then skip to the first sentence. May cross a sentence or a line. Or read a sentence First and last sentence of each paragraph. Or read specific words or phrases that are important reading is. 2 The main aim is to keep reading or thematic issues. And to keep reading Some important details
**Charming reading skills useful to save time to read because it allows the reader to read faster and understand the various thematic readings without the need to read. Throughout the story details.**
-Scanning is how to find specific information such as the date, location, name, etc., it is shown to the reader to see clearly in the texts. If in question Asked about location Then sweep away all but the term refers to the place. This is mostly a particular location. A name So, of course, must start with a capital letter. But, as was noted above that. Readers need to know enough vocabulary. The words starting with the big kid. Does not refer to any particular location. May refer to a person or a city or street name. Based on the knowledge of the individual as well.
Skimming - sympathetic to the importance of reading. A brief overview Then read the chapter about anything.
Scanning - find specific information
Summarizing : Identifying the main ideas and restating them in your own words.
Questioning to understand and remember : Asking questions about the content.
Thanks for nice trips the teacher have told me. And for teaching us to demonstrate that the era of self-portrait. The presentation work. Q & A with my partner. The ideas within the group and the other group listened to presentations. Everything is trained us all to walk in the right way. And be a powerful teacher
What did you find easy?
In my opinion is previewing! My trip is i will look for the meanings of the individual words, and then find the key words in each text, I believe that if the translation of the meanings of the terms are not and there are no tools to interpret it as a little story behind it.
What did you find difficult?
It is West messt East! This passage is very hard for me and my friends too. I try to much in this week!
How did you solve the problem?
I tried to read it several times and understand one by one paragraph.Consulted with friends when something is not understood. Use keywords to find what passage want to tell us.
What are your attitudes toward to the lesson?
In my opinion, I think this course is very important to me. It helped me to have more knowledge. Has developed its own potential even further. The teacher taught us to learn many things. Recommend ways to But who will be successful or not successful does not depend on whether a teacher is good or bad. Most people who are successful often come from trying to own 90%.
Thank you Teacher!!!!