We learned about West meets East. At the first time,teacher Usa asked us to speak our answers that are in worksheets one by one in order to checked them. And then we are doing grammar part. It is about Kind of places you would like to travel to..... I would like to visit places with good weather scennery like Vancuver,Canada. Then we read the text "Asianization of the United states" by scanning and did exercises in comprehension 1:decide if the sentence are True(T) or False(F) Then write the line number where the evidence is and comprehension 2: answer the questions without using a dictonary. Comprehension 1 made us so tired because it's so hard and so confused. I so confused about comprehension 1 because it must wrote the line number of them. But comprehension 2 is easier than 1.The last teacher Usa assigned us to do remaining exercises as a homework!